What to Expect
A neuropsychological evaluation consists of three stages: an interview, testing, and an informing conference. During clinical interview, important information regarding current symptoms and concerns, developmental/medical/psychiatric history including medication regimen, academic/occupational history, and family history is gathered. Consultation may also take place with treating professional such as neurologists, primary care physicians/pediatricians, and/or psychiatrists.
Testing involves paper-and-pencil and computerized tests as well as solving problems and answering questions with the examiner(s). The time required to complete the testing varies from patient to patient and is depedent upon the current problems being assessed but generally ranges from 3 to 5 hours. In some cases, testing is divided into two testing dates in order to avoid confounding variables such as cognitive fatigue and behavioral dysregulation. In some cases, significant others are asked to complete questionnaires (e.g., parents and spouses). It is important for the individual being tested to understand that he/she will not know all the answers but putting forth maximum effort is critical. Most individuals find the results to be interesting and have enjoyed learning about their strengths and weaknesses as well as intervention strategies to improve functioning. As needed, bring snacks, glasses, and any prior testing that may been previously completed.
The informing conference takes place approximately two weeks after the date of testing, and the client as well as any significant others are invited to attend. During this session, the results from testing will be discussed as well as intervention. Referrals may be provided which can contribute to overall cerebral care. This session is generally 1 hour in length.